Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated October 2020
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What is an organization in Sprintlio?
In Sprintlio, users are on teams which belong to organizations. It is the equivalent of the company from an account perspective. If Jane Smith worked at Acme on the Innovation team, the organization would be Acme.
How do I manage my organization in Sprintlio?
Visit the Settings page via the top navigation. If you do not see the Settings for your organization, that means that your organization admins have not granted you permission to manage the organiation settings.
How do I manage people's roles in my organization?
Visit the Settings page via the top navigation. On that page, you can navigate to the organization's details, admins, teams within the organization, and organization members and make updates there. If you do not see the Settings for your organization, that means that your organization admins have not granted you permission to manage the organization's settings.
How do I switch between the organizations I am on in Sprintlio?
If you belong to multiple organizations with the same email address, click your profile in the top navigation and a dropdown will appear listing which organizations you belong to. From there you will be able to navigate to the organization of your choosing. You can also view which organizations and teams you belong to on your profile.
How do I close my organization's account?
How do I manage my organization's billing details?
Visit the Settings page via the top navigation. On that page, you can manage the payment details in the organiation settings. If you wish to update the billing details, please email us at
[email protected] and we'll follow up. If you do not see the Settings for your organization, that means that your organization admins have not granted you permission to manage the organization's settings. Billing detail management is on its way for November 2020.
How can I access my organization's invoices?
Invoice archives are coming for November 2020. In the meantime, email us at
[email protected] and we'll follow up.
What is a team in Sprintlio?
In Sprintlio, users are on teams which belong to organizations. An organization can (and typically does) have multiple teams. A team cannot belong to multiple organizations. If Jane Smith worked at Acme on the Innovation team, the team would be Innovation.
How do I manage my team in Sprintlio?
Visit the Settings page via the top navigation. If you do not see the Settings for your team, that means that your team admins have not granted you permission to manage the team settings.
How do I manage people's roles on my team?
Visit the Settings page via the top navigation. On that page, you can navigate to the teams's details, integrations, and members and can make updates there. If you do not see the Settings for your team, that means that your team admins have not granted you permission to manage the team's settings.
How do I invite people to my team?
To invite people to your team, click the invite members button on the home page. You can also access this via the Settings page by scrolling down to the team section and clicking the + icon beside the Team Members title. You will be prompted with a popup that lets you add people to your team by email. Users with existing Sprintlio accounts will be added automatically. Users without Sprintlio accounts will receive an email and be asked to sign up to join the team.
How do I create new teams?
To create a new team, visit the Settings page via the top navigation then scroll down to the list of teams. From there click the + icon beside the Teams title or Add team link and you will be prompted to name a team, add people to it, and select a timezone for it. If you do not see the Settings for your organization, that means that your organization admins have not granted you permission to manage the organization settings.
How do I remove my team?
Visit the Settings page via the top navigation. On that page, navigate to the bottom of your team's settings and click "Remove Team." You will be asked to confirm before the team is removed. If you do not see the Settings for your team, that means that your team admins have not granted you permission to manage the team's settings.
How do I switch between the teams I am on in Sprintlio?
On the home page, click your team name in the top left of the body of the page beside the logo and underneath the organization name. A dropdown will appear listing all of the teams you belong to for that organization. You can navigate to your other team from there. You can also do this by clicking your profile in the top navigation, going to your profile, and navigating via the table at the bottom of the page that lists all of your organizations and teams.
Can people who are not on my team see my team's content?
No. You have to belong to a team to see it's contents. For administrative purposes, org owners and org admins have full access across the organization to manage any team.
How does the Slack integration work?
The Sprintlio Slack integration is multi-faceted. It sends recaps for your meetings (once the meeting is over), recaps for your team's incomplete action items every Monday morning with the owners tagged, summaries for completed action items, and meeting reminders before and at the time of the meeting.
How do I add the Slack integration?
Visit the Settings page via the top navigation. On that page, navigate to the "Integrations" section. Click the "Add to Slack" button and you will be taken to a Slack flow which will ask you to add your workspace and choose which channel you'd like to add the integration to. This channel will be the one where all of the Sprintlio announcements are shared. If you do not see the Settings for your team, that means that your team admins have not granted you permission to manage the team's settings.
How does the JIRA integration work?
The JIRA integration is for Sprintlio to send action items straight into your team's project backlog. By connecting, action items can be sent as soon as they're created and bidirectionally updated from JIRA as the work is completed.
How do I add the JIRA integration?
Visit the Settings page via the top navigation. On that page, navigate to the "Integrations" section. Click the "Connect to JIRA" button and you will be taken to a flow which will ask you to add your JIRA email, API token, and JIRA URL credentials. This channel will be the one where all of the Sprintlio announcements are shared. If you do not see the Settings for your team, that means that your team admins have not granted you permission to manage the team's settings.
Do integrations (Slack and JIRA) apply organization-wide or team-wide?
These integrations are only team-wide. To prevent one team's meetings or action items from distracting other teams across your organization, they are kept separate.
How do I manage my profile in Sprintlio?
Click your name in the top navigation and click "View my profile." From there you will be able to make updates to your name, profile picture, and manage your organizations and teams.
How do I update my password in Sprintlio?
Visit this page ( and you will be prompted with to input your email to receive a password reset email which will assist you from there.
How can I see which organizations and teams I belong to?
Click your name in the top navigation and click "View my profile." From there you will be able to make updates to your name, profile picture, and manage your organizations and teams.
How do I close my account?
How do I create a new meeting?
To create a new meeting, start from the home screen. From tehre you can click the "Create New" link beside the Meetings title or the "Create New Meeting" button below. From there you will be taken to a screen that allows you to add all the important meeting details. Once you fill that out, your new meeting will be created.
What is an ended meeting?
An ended meeting is a meeting that has occurred so the team has marked it as complete. In ending the meeting, Sprintlio sends automatic recaps via email (and Slack if connected) to all the team members. Team members are not able to make changes to ended meetings.
How do I unend a meeting?
To unend a meeting, find the meeting on the home page and click the ellipsis in the top right of that meeting's tile. A list of settings will appear and from there you can click the "Unend meeting" option. You can also do this by going into the meeting itself and clicking "Unend meeting" in the top right corner.
How do I delete a meeting?
To delete a meeting, find the meeting on the home page and click the ellipsis in the top right of that meeting's tile. A list of settings will appear and from there you can click the "Delete meeting" option.
How do I export a meeting?
To export a meeting, find the meeting on the home page and click the ellipsis in the top right of that meeting's tile. A list of settings will appear and from there you can click the "Export to CSV" option.
If I delete a meeting, is it gone forever?
Yes, the meeting and all of its contents would be deleted per your request. It would not be retrieavable.
How do I set a date for my meeting?
To set a date for a meeting, click the "Select a date and time" field in the meeting's settings. That will trigger a calendar that will let you select a date and time.
What happens when a date is set for my meeting?
When a meeting has a date and time, teams with the Slack integration connected will receive an update one hour prior to the meeting and at the time of the meeting to alert them.
Do I have to set a date for a meeting?
No, setting a meeting date is optional.
How do I manage voting for cards (topics)?
To manage voting for cards, click the "Dot Voting" field in the meeting settings. You can choose to have no limit (traditional upvoting: one vote per card), 1 vote per person, 2 votes per person, 3 votes per person, 5 votes per person, or 10 votes per person.
How do I select a facilitator?
To select a facilitator, you can do so via the meeting settings or clicking the facilitator field in the top of the meeting.
Do I have to set a facilitator for a meeting?
No, selecting a facilitator is optional.
What permissions are given to facilitators?
For now facilitators are strictly for the team's alignment. However, many features are planned to give the facilitator more administrative control over the meeting.
How do I choose my meeting format?
You select a meeting format in the meeting settings and can customize it to add or remove lists from there.
How many meeting formats can I choose from?
We have 12 default meeting formats to choose from but you can customize the meetings however you like. We add more meeting formats all the time as well.
Can I customize my meeting format?
Yes, when creating your meeting or adjusting its settings, you can adjust the titles, colour, and order of the lists however you like. You can also add or remove as many as you like.
Can I update my meeting format after a meeting has started?
Yes, you can update anything about a meeting until a meeting has been ended. To update the format, click the meeting settings and modify the lists from there. You can change the title, colour, order, or add/remove the lists altogether.
How do I update things like the details, voting structure, list format, or facilitator for a meeting?
To update the meeting's settings, click the gear icon beside the meeting title.
How does the "Rate the last sprint" vote work?
Users can click one of the five reactions that best represent their feelings and those numbers will be anonymously tabulated as votes and reflected as a cumulative score out of five on the "Team Health Score" analytics in the meeting's header. Users cannot see what other user's have voted for.
What drives the meeting analytics?
The meeting's analytics are cumulative scores based on the activity of that individual meeting. How many cards were created, how many cards were discussed, how many action items were made, how many team health votes were cast, and what the average of the team health votes were.
How does the timer work?
The timer is meant for users who are screensharing to hold the meeting. It is a countdown clock that helps ensure fairness for topics. In the final 10 seconds, the screen will graduallly become red to visually alert the speakers that the timing has ended. The timer is not linked across devices.
What is presenter mode?
Presenter mode is meant for users who are screensharing to hold the meeting. It hides the user's team health vote, which cards they voted for, and makes the text a bit larger.
What happens when I end a meeting?
When a meeting is ended, that meeting is no longer editable. Once the meeting is ended, the email recap (and Slack recap, if connected) will be automatically sent to all members of the team.
Do I have to end my meeting?
You do not have to end your meetings but we recommend it to save yourself some time recapping the meeting.
Can I unend an ended meeting?
Yes, you can do this by clicking the "Unend meeting" button in the top right of the board or on the home page by clicking the meeting's settings and selecting "Unend meeting."
How do I send the automated meeting recap?
The automated meeting recap only sends when you end a meeting.
How do I export the meeting?
To export a meeting, find the meeting on the home page and click the ellipsis in the top right of that meeting's tile. A list of settings will appear and from there you can click the "Export to CSV" option.
Lists (Also known as "Meeting Format" and "Meeting Template")
Return to TopHow do I rename my list?
To rename your list, click the meeting settings gear icon beside the meeting title. From there a screen will appear listing all of the meeting details. You will be able to update the list, its colour, and the list order from there.
Can I rearrange entire lists?
Yes, you can rearrange lists by hovering over the list name and dragging-and-dropping them to your preferred order.
How do I delete a list?
To delete a list, click the meeting settings gear icon beside the meeting title. From there a screen will appear listing all of the meeting details. Similar to managing list details, you will be able to remove a list by hovering over its row and clicking the x on the right side of its field.
If I delete a list, is it gone forever?
Yes, the list and all of its contents would be deleted per your request. It would not be retrieavable.
How do I add a card?
To add a card, click the "+ Add card" button at the top of a list. It will open a window that will let you choose the list you want to add the card to, add the title, mark it anonymous (if you want), add a description, and add attachments if you like. Press the "Add card" button when you are finished and the card will be added.
How do I make my card anonymous?
To mark a card as anonymous, click the "Anonymous" checkbox in the top right of the card's expanded view when creating the card.
Do I need to add a description with my card?
No, descriptions for cards are optional.
What can I add in the descriptions?
In the description field you can format text with bolding, underlining, strikethroughs, ordered lists, unordered lists, links, code snippets, and emojis.
How do I upload an attachment to my card?
To upload an attachment, drag the file into the field in the card or click "Browse" to select a file.
What does discussing a card mean?
By marking a card as discussed, you are communicating to the team that you have covered this topic. It will be dimmed and checked off. When you end this meeting and set up your next meeting, you will be given the option to carry over cards that have not been discussed.
Can I update my card?
Yes, you can make updates to cards you've created after first making it. The only circumstance you would not be able to go back and update your card is if the meeting has ended.
How do I mark a card as discussed?
To mark a card as discussed, click the checkbox beside the card's title or click the card to view it in the expanded view and click the "Mark card as discussed" button at the bottom.
Can I drag and drop cards?
Yes, simply click and hold down on the card to drag it within or across lists.
Can I drag cards across different lists?
Yes, you can drag and drop cards within or across lists.
Can I group cards together?
To group cards, drag and drop a card on top of the card (or group) you wish to group it with. From there it will prompt you to add a name for the group.
How do I ungroup cards?
To ungroup cards, click the ellipsis in the top of the group and select the "Ungroup" link. If you do not see that option, make sure your group has a name.
How do I delete a card?
To delete a card, click the card to view it in the expanded view. Click the ellipsis in the top right and click the "Delete card" link.
If I delete a card, is it gone forever?
Yes, the card and all of its contents would be deleted per your request. It would not be retrieavable.
How do I vote for a card?
To vote for a card, click the vote button located at the bottom of the card. It may say "0 Votes" or a given number to indicate the number of votes it has received.
How many votes do I get?
That depends on the meeting's settings.
Can I remove my vote for a card?
To remove your vote for a card, click the x icon on the right side of your vote.
How do I add an action item?
There are multiple ways to add an action item. You can add one from the home screen on the top right of the page. You can add one to a card during a meeting by clicking on the card and adding it via the details view. You can also add one to a meeting via the "Action Items" list that comes default with all meetings and is visible on the left side of the page.
How do I mark an action item complete?
To mark an action item as complete, click the checkbox beside the action item. If your team has JIRA integration connected and it has been linked with bidirectional syncing, items marked as complete in JIRA will automatically mark them as complete in Sprintlio.
How do I assign someone as an owner of an action item?
To add someone as an owner of an action item, click the profile icon or "Add owners" link for the action item and a list of everyone on the team will appear. You can search for people or click them by name. You can add multiple owners for action items.
What happens when someone is an owner of an action item?
As an owner of an action item you will receive a reminder the day before the action item is due (if it has a due date). You will also be tagged in Slack if the team has the Slack integration connected.
Do action items have to have an owner?
No, action items do not require owners.
How do I add a due date to an action item?
To add a due date to an action item, click the click the calendar icon or "Add due date" link for the action item and a calendar will appear. You can navigate to a specific date from there.
Do action items have to have a due date?
No, action items do not require due dates.
What happens when an action item has a due date?
If an action item has a due date, the owners for that action item will be notified one day prior to the due date.
Do action items have to be associated with a specific card (topic) or meeting?
Action items can be tied specifically to cards, meetings, or the team in general. They do not have to be part of cards, they can simply be tasks for the team in general.
How do I delete an action item?
To delete an action item, click it to expand it to the detail view. From there click the ellipsis in the top right and click the "Delete action item" link.
If I delete an action item, is it gone forever?
Yes, the list and all of its contents would be deleted per your request. It would not be retrieavable.